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Animated Gif Html Look Here

How to Add Animated GIFs in HTML

Instructions for Enriching Your Website with Dynamic Content

Step 1: Understanding GIF Animation in HTML

By default, browsers automatically play animated GIFs. You cannot alter this behavior, but if the GIF is static, it will not animate.

Step 2: HTML Tag Integration

To incorporate animated GIFs into your HTML, use the tag with appropriate attributes:

<img src="path/to/animated-gif.gif" alt="Descriptive text"></img>

Step 3: Customizing GIF Attributes

Additional attributes can be added to customize the GIF's appearance and behavior, such as:

  • height: Sets the height of the GIF.
  • width: Sets the width of the GIF.
  • autoplay: Enables automatic playback of the GIF.
  • loop: Sets the number of times the GIF will loop (infinite if not specified).

Example: Adding a GIF with Custom Attributes

<img src="path/to/my-fun-gif.gif" alt="Cool animated GIF" height="200" width="300" autoplay loop></img>


* Optimize the GIF for faster loading. * Use relevant alt text to describe the GIF for accessibility. * Consider the aesthetic and usability impact of the GIF on the overall page design.
